Sunday, March 11, 2012

Turtles, Royalty of the BFS Pond

Hi, Turtle Families!  
Here are some gems I pulled off my phone cam from the last few days at school.  Enjoy!

Here we are last Friday on our way to Dr. Seuss' 108th birthday party in SoHo.  We looked at some of his original art and were read Dr. Seuss books by an actress from Suessical the Musical and the Executive Director of Books for Kids, an awesome children's literacy non-profit (

We've been pretty serious about volcano construction this year.

Primi, Sadie and Andre enjoying "The Ghost Tractor," written by our own Karan Yerneni.

Nothing beats an all-school game of capture the flag!

Really?  Your kids are pretty cute together on the subway.

Hey, guys! Remember that time we tried to make buildings out of spaghetti and marshmallows?  Gross.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Karate and Pizza and Eggs, Oh My!

It's sure been a while since an update! Here are a few pictures of what's been going on with the Turtles at BFS.
 Karate with Kate in some spiffy new gis!
 We made pizza at our field trip to Nathan's house.
 We're ready to drop our eggs from the top of the playground...

We had three survivors!  Next time maybe drop them from the top of BFS. Watch out below!